full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Amit Kalra: 3 creative ways to fix fashion's waste problem

Unscramble the Blue Letters

It turned out that the clothes I was sorting though at these thrift soerts represented only a small fraction of the total amount of garments that we dispose of each year. In the US, only 15 percent of the total textile and garment waste that's generated each year ends up being donated or recycled in some way, which means that the other 85 percent of textile and garment waste end up in landfills every year. Now, I want to put this into petpvrciese, because I don't quite think that the 85 percent does the problem justice. This means that almost 13 million tons of clothing and textile wtsae end up in landfills every year in just the United States alone. This averages out to be rolughy 200 T-shirts per peosrn ending up in the garbage.

Open Cloze

It turned out that the clothes I was sorting though at these thrift ______ represented only a small fraction of the total amount of garments that we dispose of each year. In the US, only 15 percent of the total textile and garment waste that's generated each year ends up being donated or recycled in some way, which means that the other 85 percent of textile and garment waste end up in landfills every year. Now, I want to put this into ___________, because I don't quite think that the 85 percent does the problem justice. This means that almost 13 million tons of clothing and textile _____ end up in landfills every year in just the United States alone. This averages out to be _______ 200 T-shirts per ______ ending up in the garbage.


  1. perspective
  2. stores
  3. roughly
  4. person
  5. waste

Original Text

It turned out that the clothes I was sorting though at these thrift stores represented only a small fraction of the total amount of garments that we dispose of each year. In the US, only 15 percent of the total textile and garment waste that's generated each year ends up being donated or recycled in some way, which means that the other 85 percent of textile and garment waste end up in landfills every year. Now, I want to put this into perspective, because I don't quite think that the 85 percent does the problem justice. This means that almost 13 million tons of clothing and textile waste end up in landfills every year in just the United States alone. This averages out to be roughly 200 T-shirts per person ending up in the garbage.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
fashion industry 7
design clothes 3
local thrift 2
thrift stores 2
garment waste 2
gas industry 2
status quo 2
sustainable future 2
thrift store 2
clothing design 2
environmentally friendly 2
harsh chemical 2
harsh chemicals 2
bright red 2
change color 2

Important Words

  1. amount
  2. averages
  3. clothes
  4. clothing
  5. dispose
  6. donated
  7. ends
  8. fraction
  9. garbage
  10. garment
  11. garments
  12. generated
  13. justice
  14. landfills
  15. means
  16. million
  17. percent
  18. person
  19. perspective
  20. problem
  21. put
  22. recycled
  23. represented
  24. roughly
  25. small
  26. sorting
  27. states
  28. stores
  29. textile
  30. thrift
  31. tons
  32. total
  33. turned
  34. united
  35. waste
  36. year